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  • Here's a tip for the ladies. Giving a gift to your significant other might seem hard to accomplish. But that's because there are only a few stores that are dedicated to catering to men. The modern gentleman has made leaps and bounds in terms of their carry needs. A traditional wallet is no longer applicable given multitude of things that are now essential today.   The best answer is always born of the correct question as the starting point. In this journey of finding the best gift to your husband or boyfriend, we’ll guide you in the wonderful maze of today’s......

  • This Is Ground & A Design Focused Brand We’re introducing This Is Ground today on the blog. A design focused functional carry line that provides luxurious carry items for the smart urban professional that understands essential protection and style for gadgets. We’ve looked all over the world and curated the best carry accessories to fit your lifestyle. There has been much focus on women’s style, and today, we’re highlighting a line that focuses on men’s necessities. For business professionals there is no better line of products than This Is Ground. Hailing from Los Angeles and Italy, the line mixes two

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